Grow With Us

Artists we promote get more exposure and increased sales

Renting = More Sales For You

When our members rent from us, they buy your puzzles. We expose our members to your art, they buy more from you.

We'll also promote any other projects you have in the works, resulting in direct revenue to you. Interested? Apply below.

Increased Awareness

When we select your puzzles to be featured in our marketing, you win. This MintyFizz puzzle gathered 1.4M impressions, 1k shares and thousands of wonderful comments. Our ad dollars are spent helping to promote your puzzles.

We partner with select artists to be featured, apply below.

Artist Promotions

We love to feature your work, not just your beautiful puzzles. If you have an upcoming release for prints or other products, we'd love to share it with our members.

We interviewed the Puzzle Illustrator, Nathanael Mortensen, during our sponsored airing of the National Jigsaw Puzzle Association Championship event.