🥳 Introducing Wishlist!

Our ENTIRE PUZZLE CATALOG is now yours! Browse and add your favorites to your wishlist.

Get Started
🧩 1000s of puzzles to explore
❤️ Heart the ones you love
✌️ Relax and enjoy the perfect puzzles for you

How it Works

Relax and Unwind with the Perfect Puzzle


Browse our catalog of 1000s of puzzles

You can filter by theme, piece count and brand. We're adding new puzzles and brands every week so check back often!


Heart the ones you love

When we pack your puzzle, we pick one from your wishlist.

If one is not available at that time, a puzzle will be packed based on your account preferences, themes and level. The puzzles on your wishlist will remain there until you remove them or receive the puzzle.

The more puzzles on your wishlist, the more likely you are to receive one in your next shipment!


Relax and enjoy

The wishlist has made it even easier for you to solve a puzzle you love. We're adding new puzzles and brands every week.

Check back often to update your wishlist, there's a nearly endless supply of puzzles for you to solve!

Everyone is in LOVE

Customers with early access are thrilled to have more options to recieve the perfect puzzle